Am I Addicted to Hydrocodone?

Hydrocodone is a Schedule II drug, the DEA having placed it in such a high category because it has both a strong potential for abuse and can be extremely addictive. While many individuals abuse hydrocodone from the start of their drug use, others begin by following their doctors’ prescriptions and find themselves abusing the substance later on. This is because of the intensity of the drug’s effects and the fact that it can be “habit-forming,” as stated by the NLM.

If you have been taking hydrocodone for some time now (usually longer than a few months), you may be concerned about the possibility of addiction. If you are not abusing the drug, you should not be worried; however, abuse comes in many forms. Ask yourself the questions below to find out whether or not you might be risking an addiction to the drug.

We can help you find treatment to overcome an addiction to hydrocodone. Call 800-934-1582(Sponsored) toll free today.

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Hydrocodone Abuse

According to the NIDA, hydrocodone is one of the most commonly abused prescription drugs, usually called Vikes, Norcos, or Watson-387 by those looking to buy or sell it illegally. When a person starts to abuse hydrocodone, this is when they invite the issue addiction. But a person can abuse prescription drugs in ways that they do not even realize until it is too late.

Have you ever…

Addicted to Hydrocodone

Hydrocodone is a highly addictive painkiller. If you believe you have a problem you should seek help now.

  • Taken more hydrocodone than you were prescribed to at a certain time?
  • Taken the drug more often than you were prescribed to in a certain amount of time?
  • Continued taking the drug for longer than you were prescribed to do so?
  • Used the drug for a reason other than it was prescribed?
    • For example, if you have ever taken hydrocodone because you were feeling stressed or pressured about work, school, etc. instead of for your pain, this is a form of drug abuse.
  • Taken the drug in order to feel euphoric or get high?

These questions were all possible scenarios of abuse. If you answered yes to any of them, you have likely abused the drug at some point in the past. However, a person does not become addicted to a drug simply by abusing it once. Chronic abuse over time is what causes addiction, which is why you should consider your habits and whether or not you might have been abusing the drug for an extended amount of time (two months or more). If you cannot stop using hydrocodone on your own we can help you find the treatment you need. Call 800-934-1582(Sponsored) today.

Symptoms of Hydrocodone Addiction

When someone becomes addicted to hydrocodone, they exhibit certain symptoms that can be difficult to hide or control. While you may be convinced that you are in control of your drug abuse, it could be the case that you have not yet realized how dangerous or problematic your drug use has become.

  • Do you take hydrocodone every day, sometimes even when you do not feel you need to?
  • Do you take the drug even when you are alone?
  • Have you ever taken another opioid drug when hydrocodone was not available to you?
  • Have you ever done something dangerous or illegal in order to obtain more the drug including:
    • Doctor shopping?
    • Buying the drug from a dealer?
    • Faking or stealing prescriptions?
  • Have you ever done something dangerous or illegal while on the drug including:
    • Driving while under the influence?
    • Going somewhere unsafe or taking someone else to an unsafe place?
    • Hurting yourself or someone else?
  • Have you been reprimanded (legally or otherwise) for any of these actions?
  • Have you become less satisfied with your work, school, or personal life as result of your hydrocodone use?
  • Do you crave hydrocodone when you are not currently on it?
  • Do you feel that you are on the drug as often as possible?
  • Are you secretive in your actions that concern the drug, including hiding your abuse from friends and family members, lying about how much you’ve used or where you’ve been, etc.?
  • Have you ever become angry when someone has brought up your hydrocodone use?
  • Do you feel that you are not in control of your use of the drug?
  • Do you feel that, if you were to try and stop now, you would not be able to do so on your own?
  • Have you tried to stop or cut back your use of the drug and failed?

If you answered yes to these questions, you are displaying the symptoms of addiction. Especially if you are beginning to feel that you are not in control when you are honest with yourself, chances are that your feelings are valid and you will need help. Call 800-934-1582(Sponsored) for help finding the treatment you need.

Dependence & Tolerance

When someone abuses a drug like hydrocoodone and becomes addicted, they will become dependent and tolerant on it as well. These two issues can also occur independently from addiction, but in the case of abuse, they will be intense and often feed into the addiction.


  • Do you feel that you need to use hydrocodone?
  • Do you become anxious, upset, or worried when you are unable to use the drug?
  • When you are not able to obtain it, do you experience withdrawal symptoms such as:
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Flu-like symptoms (runny nose, insomnia, chills)
    • Muscle aches


  • Do you feel that the same amount of hydrocodone does not cause the same effects for you that it once did?
  • Do you find yourself taking more of the drug each time, in order to counteract this problem?

If you answered yes to these questions, you are dependent and tolerant to hydrocodone (which will occur after any long-term use). If, however, you have been taking more of the drug because of these issues or abusing it in anyway, it is likely that addiction will occur if you are not experiencing it already.

Addiction is a progressive condition. Call 800-934-1582(Sponsored) to find help today.

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Am I Addicted to Hydrocodone?

Answering yes to many of the questions above points toward an addiction problem. Hydrocodone is an extremely potent and intense drug; recently, the DEA even rescheduled hydrocodone combination products from schedule III to schedule II. Those who abuse the drug in any way are likely to become addicted as long as they continue to do so.

If you feel that you might be addicted to hydrocodone, seek treatment immediately in order to start your recovery process. While hydrocodone can be used safely, its habit-forming nature means that it is important for you to always be aware of your personal state and the potential for addiction.

the Take-Away

Hydrocodone addiction has long-lasting consequences, and the sooner you get help the better off you will be. Hydrocodone is a powerful and dangerous opiate painkiller.